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Ghost Library #32

Updated: Nov 7, 2018

New Solo Exhibition in Tel Aviv, Will Open October 25, 8:00pm

Ghost Library #32 | 2018 | 80x112in | 205x283cm | quadriptych

I am excited to exhibit one of my Ghost Library paintings in Israel for the first time!

Ghost Library #32 is the center of a solo presentation that will open at ArtSpace TLV gallery on October 25th, and would be on view for until mid November.

Ghost Library #32 continues my latest interest in representation of action-based bodily gestures. This time it is by the act of imprinting small wooden beams on the canvas and then removing them, while creating an allusion of true objects/books that disappeared, while their silhouettes remained as a relic.

The Ghost Library series presents monotype-like paintings, that echo a city skyline and allude to abandoned libraries, perhaps reminiscing on this constructed incubators of knowledge, that are rapidly losing their relevance in the age of digital and online information.

Art Space TLV, 6 Shvil Hameretz, Kiryat Hamelacha, Tel Aviv

Ghost Library #32


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